
Don’t Stick A Sharp Stick In Your Eye!

Mostly SSDD. SWMBO is off to the Genealogy Library (in my truck) so I’ve spent some time playing with my (many!) Virtual Machines; getting them updated and all. Sun came out for awhile so the Dog and I went for a tour of the back 40. Still rather cool out. Everything is still pretty much soaked. Oh, Joy.

Too Cool! Real Planes To Shoot Down.

SWMBO is bringing home our friend, Mary, who’s laptop is infected with a virus or root kit; which they expect me to fix. Downloaded Komodo and we’ll see if that works.

Which seems to be working okay. Already found 2 “threats.” Started it scanning before heading out for our regular Saturday date.

At Home Depot, SWMBO bought me a medicine cabinet for my bathroom before taking me to Qdoba’s for dinner. After which we went to COSTCO for “stuff.” Including a set of new (heavy duty) shelves for the Pantry. Add on our usual stop at Safeway and it was a pretty busy 4 hours or so.

Mary’s computer is still scanning. Probably will be most of the night. Ah well.


Nothing else going on around here. Think I’ll just chill for the rest of the evening.

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