
Home! Actually Got Here 2300 Friday Night But Was Too Tired ...

to even post Saturday. Busy too getting settled back in and cleaning up
the RV.

So, according to my trip-o-meter, we traveled a whopping 5988.5 miles
with an average of 9.3 mpg (Ugh!) so we had to have used approximately
643 gallons of gas at $3.10/gallon (averaged: $2.27 in NM & AR to $3.50
back in the good ol' Northwest) for almost $2k then add camping fees
($12 in a city park in New Mexico(?) to $71 at a KOA in I don't remember
anymore). Luckily we got to park in family driveways when visiting them.
That saved a pretty penny.

Beautiful as ever from Midway, Ut through Moab, Ut down Arizona to I-40.
Trip out along I-40 was okay.

Trip back along I-90 was windy as fuck starting about mid-South Dakota!
I only came back that way to try to miss some of the wind we usually get
heading West on I-70 or I-80. At one point we were on a mountain in
western South Dakota at 4700 feet, going down hill, gas pedal pressed to
the floor, doing only 57 mph. Coming across eastern Washington was the
worst until about Ellensburg.

I will never make this trip west bound pulling the RV again.

Still, except for SWMBO's cat, it was a pretty good trip. Left Sept 1st
and got back Oct 4th. Saw a lot of this beautiful country and a lot of
shitty drivers that don't understand the 'speed up and merge, fucker'
part of driving. I don't know how many ass hats I saw pull onto the
freeway at 10-15 mph under the speed limit only to have them get up to
speed AFTER I had to slow down for them. (I NEED a bigger bumper and
permission ...)

But don't get me started.

Biggest disappointment for me was I saw only 1 storm this trip.

On the bright side: we did it all and returned safe.

Otherwise, my grass is about 8 inches high and my garden is overgrown.
However, the grapes that were left were sweet and rendered down to a
quart of grape juice. Added some sugar to the pulp that was left over
and it's in the freezer and will be going in the freeze dryer to see how
good a snack that'll make. Experiment.

Glad to be home.

Now for those 3700 e-mails that Thunderbird collected for me ...

1 comment:

  1. Grapes are good frozen! Glad you guys had fun. Storms are fun to wave at and stay out of. Unless you can wash your car in one! ;-)


Keep it nice.