
O.M.G! Now I Do Feel Old!

Ralph Macchio is the same age now as Pat Morita was when they shot The Karate Kid.


Hell, probably just knowing who these people are makes me old! Aaaarrrggghhh! Smile

Was a sunny and almost warm day out. Went out and got the end of my hydraulic hose fixed, came home and put it on the Digger. Then spent some time on the Digger making a reasonably flat place near the garden area to put the tires for whatever SWMBO wants to grow there this summer.


That took about an hour. Then some laundry and dishes and watching part of the “Bee Movie.” Don’t have to make dinner for everyone tonight as SWMBO ate lunch with the girls.

For some reason I’m freezing my ass off! Even my feet are cold. Wish I was at a nice hot beach somewhere!

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