
It’s Thursday? Again? Already? Damn!

Turned out to be a pretty normal Thursday. Regular chores around the house. Planted some new Tomato & Bell Pepper plants. Which means I had to go out and prepare the “mater beds.” Planted SWMBO’s squash for her.

Charter Member

Nice and warm out there! I like it!

It is Thursday so there just ain’t much else going on. Have “Dog Fights” running in the background. Radio is scanning the 2-meter band in the background. Sounds of SWMBO mowing in the background. Big ol’ glass of iced tea in hand. Life’s Good!

Goblin Valley - My Kind Of Country!

Wish I had known earlier that they needed a  spot to bury Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev. I’d have volunteered to let him be buried on the back part of my property. Then I could have walked back and pissed on his grave a couple of times a day. Hell, I’d have invited all the neighbors over to piss on his grave every day also!

I Love Summer! (And The Beach!)

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