
Damn! I’m Tired, Road sore & Tired!

Got up early yesterday, took a shower and hit the road for Greensburg, Pa to visit my friend AB3ML (Ron). Long drive! Way too much road construction going on. WAY too many Tolls! All the construction probably added an hour to the trip. Spent $21 in tolls.

NEVER go out of style!

He was really surprised when I knocked on his door though. That was worth it. He took me to the local Mall for dinner at DQ and we walked around girl watching. Stayed up until 2330 talking.


Got up early this morning and we sat around for awhile. About 0900 I took off and “Bitchin’ Betty” took me over half of Ohio to get me back here at the In-laws. Greensburg to Wheeling to Columbus to Toledo to Oregon, Oh. Took about 6 hours.

Had a good visit with Ron though. We hadn’t seen each other in about 25 years; heck, we’ve been back in contact for only about 4 years. Ron will talk your ear off (believe me, Ron Will Talk Your Ears Off) but he’s a nice guy.


So I’m back at the In-laws resting. Shower felt great and dinner was good. Ready to crash now. “They’re” all complaining about the heat and humidity. I think it’s great! Feels nice! Hoping for a storm later.

Wanted: Psychic. You know where to apply.

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