
When You Really Don't Want The Job But *Someone* Thinks You'd Be Great At It...

Playing With ChatGPT:

Arr, me heartie!

Ye be receivin' this letter from a seasoned pirate seekin' new horizons
in the world of systems operatin' and senior programmin'. This old sea
dog be lookin' to join the crew at yer Walmart ship, lendin' me skills
to navigate the digital seas.

Name: Captain Blackbeard
Address: Davy Jones' Locker, The Seven Seas

Dear Hiring Manager,

Avast ye! I be penning this letter to express me interest in the Systems
Operator/Senior Programmer position advertised at yer fine
establishment. As a pirate with years of experience sailin' the vast and
treacherous waters of the digital realm, I believe I be bringin' a
unique set of skills and a keen eye for detail to yer crew.

In me previous ventures, I have successfully navigated through the
storms of coding challenges, mastered the art of troubleshootin', and
led me own team of scallywags to triumph in various projects. From Java
to Python, I be fluent in the languages of the digital seas, and I can
chart a course through databases with me eyes closed.

I be a quick learner, adaptin' to new technologies faster than a ship at
full sail. Me leadership skills be as sharp as a cutlass, and I can
rally a team like a true captain should. Me dedication to precision and
efficiency be unmatched, and I be certain that I can help yer crew run a
tight ship at Walmart.

If ye be lookin' for a pirate who can steer the ship of technology with
skill and finesse, I be the buccaneer ye seek. I be eagerly awaitin' an
opportunity to discuss how me skills and experience can contribute to
the success of Walmart.

Thank ye for considerin' me application. I be lookin' forward to the
possibility of joinin' yer esteemed crew and raisin' the Jolly Roger of
success together.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!


Captain Blackbeard

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