
It's Just Freakin' HOT Around Here! Finally!

Jun 22     Carl Hubbell born, 1903
Jun 22     Meryl Streep born in Summit, New Jersey, 1949
Jun 22     Konrad Zuse born in Berlin, 1910
Jun 22     Civil rights workers disappear in Mississippi, 1964
Jun 22     The June Days Uprising in Paris begins, 1848
Jun 23     Alan Mathison Turing born, 1912
Jun 23     IBM unbundles software, 1969
Jun 23     Alan Mathison Turing born, 1912
Jun 23     Harriet, Darwin's turtle died at the age of 176 years, 2006
Jun 23     Slavery abolished in England, 1772
Jun 24     Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1970
Jun 24     The capital of Jamaica, Kingston, is founded, 1664
Jun 25     Eric Arthur Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell) born, 1903
Jun 25     Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn, 1876
Jun 25     North Korea invades South Korea, 1950
Jun 26*    Social Security Check!
Jun 26     Battle of Gettysburg, 1863
Jun 26     St. Lawrence Seaway dedicated by Eisenhower & Queen Elizabeth
II, 1959
Jun 26     Toothbrush invented, 1498
Jun 27     Helen Keller (Author. Survivor) born, 1880
Jun 27     100 degrees, Fort Yukon, 1915
Jun 27     Bill Graham closes the Fillmore East, 1971
Jun 27     The world's first ATM is installed in Enfield, London, 1967
Jun 27     Stanley Ingram King born this day in Memphis, Tennessee. (1952)
Jun 28     Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria assassinated in Sarajevo,
marking the beginning of World War I, 1914
Jun 28     Supreme Court decides in favor of Allan Bakke, 1978
Jun 28     World War I ended with the signing of the Treaty of
Versailles, 1919
Jun 29*    ARRL Field Day! You should have been ready for it by now!
Jun 29     The Seychelles gains independence from the United Kingdom, 1976
Jun 29*    ARRL Field Day! You should have been ready for it by now!
Jun 30     First advanced degree on computer related topic: to H.
    Temple Univ., Phila, 1948, for symbolic differentiation on the ENIAC
Jun 30     "That" explosion in Siberia at 7:17 local time, 1908
Jun 30     Albert Einstein publishes his theory of special relativity, 1905
Jun 30     China and Soviet Union announce split over ideology, 1960
Jul 01     Battle of Gettysburg begins, 1863
Jul 01     Hong Kong becomes a special administrative region of the
People's Republic of China, 1997
Jul 01     The first day on the Somme marked the beginning of the Battle
of the Somme, 1916
Jul 01     Warsaw Pact officially dissolved, 1991
Jul 02     Vermont abolishes slavery, as the first state, 1777
Jul 03     Franz Kafka born, 1883
Jul 03     Dog days begin
Jul 04     Nathaniel Hawthorne born in Salem, Massachusetts, 1804
Jul 04     John Adams and Thomas Jefferson die on same day, 1826
Jul 04     Battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg won by Union forces, 1863
Jul 04     Cloudy, 76 degrees, Philadelphia PA, 1776
Jul 04     New York abstains on Declaration of Independence vote, 1776
Jul 04     Thoreau enters woods, 1845
Jul 05*    Date Day!
Jul 05     Bikini demonstrated for the first time, 1946
Jul 06     (Helen) Beatrix Potter born, 1866
Jul 06     John Paul Jones born, 1747
Jul 06     First `talkie' (talking motion picture) premiere in New York,
Jul 06     Lawrence of Arabia captures Aqaba, 1917
Jul 07     P.T. Barnum dies, 1891
Jul 07     First radio broadcast of "Dragnet", 1949
Jul 07     Terrorists detonate four bombs on London public transport, 2005

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